Sleepy puppy

In our home, dad is for wrestles and mum is for cuddles.

We rarely watch TV (No really! Ap
parently this is very strange to a lot of people!), but we do have a TV to watch DVDs on occassionally. Ever since we've had Mika however, I find myself making time for short bursts of TV every week or so. Most of the time it doesn't really matter what's on. It's our bonding time, we curl up on the lounge together, I pat her, she falls alseep, my heart squeezes with love and I pat her some more, sometimes she wakes up enough to give me a lick or two, sometimes she snores (so adorable!) and sometimes her feet gallop like she's dreaming of running in fields of meat and bones...or whatever puppies dream of. Finally the show ends and I persuade her to go to bed, by which point she's too sleepy to argue and dutifully follows. Cunning, I know.

Lately she's developed a strange/funny habit. She comes in at night, hops up on the sofa, has her two front paws up on the top of the sofa's backrest. Then she looks at her reflection in the mirror behind the sofa and sometimes her tail wags. There are other mirrors in the house which she doesn't care about, but somehow this particular one has caught her fancy. She does it every night. Maybe she has Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD)?


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