Holy Sheet!

The flu has gotten the better of me this weekend. Yesterday I managed to drag myself out of bed long enough to throw some laundry into the washing machine. Then dragged myself out of bed again sometime in the early afternoon to dry the sheets, feeling proud of my one small victorious task accomplished.

Then I came to pick up the laundry later and lo and behold! Magic! In my backyard! From the house, it looked like all my sheets had vanished. Then I saw the tail end of a white sheet from the corner of my eye >_< Mika had dragged 2 sheets, 1 quilt cover and 1 (heavy) woolen blanket off the clothes line. As I raced outside, I was praying to the Laundry gods for mercy. Alas! All my sheets (did I mention that they were my favourite sheets?) had holes in them. The blanket had several chunks ripped out of it. When Mika had presumably tired of her monotonous rampage, decided to scrunch the blanket up, padded with one of the softer sheets and there she lay upon her woolen + 500 thread count Egyptian cotton throne looking at me casually as if to say, "Oh hi mummy! Look what I made!"

Now I have a pile of destroyed sheets, which in the future I suppose could be recycled towards Mika's bedding, since it's already gotten her seal of approval. *Grumbles*

Even despite feeling really frustrated with her, I still love her to pieces. So this is what parenthood is like. What am I going to do with this dog!?

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