Home sweet home, kennel sweet kennel

So I'm convinced that Mika hates her kennel.

When the kennel was first assembled, we made it really comfortable in there for her with old rugs and sheets and even a feather pillow which was donated to the cause. Plus some toys too. The feather pillow was used to decorate the lawn and she drags the sheet(s) and blankets out onto the driveway then carefully arranges into a big lump to sit on while she watches the world go by. She also does this in the rain... >_< Can't leave anything in her kennel, it just gets dragged around the lawn, muddied and torn :-/

We've tried feeding her in her kennel, but she goes in there, grabs a mouthful, pops out, chews, then pops back in grabs another mouthful...rinse repeat.

She much prefers sitting on the back step for some reason. Baffling dog!

I'm not sure what to do or how to encourage her to enjoy her kennel more. Has anyone had this problem before? How did you and your dog get over this little hurdle?

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