A week of firsts

It's been a very special week for us since Mika came home.

Lots of heart clenching "aww" moments. Many cuddles were had and lots of getting to know each other. It must be so scary for a little puppy to leave the warmth and security of her mum to enter a new environment where absolutely everything is foreign.

Mika was nine weeks old when we brought her home. Most breeders will let you have their pups from six weeks old, but we are happy that she got to stay with mum and her siblings that little bit longer.

Mika had her first vet visit this week and she was petrified! But once she got treats and won over the hearts of the girls at the animal hospital, she decided that it wasn't all that bad. She took her two needles like a champion and wasn't crazy about having her ears cleaned, but she really wasn't expecting the thermometer "up there". Who would?

Still getting used to the idea of being completely responsible for this little girl who is depending on us for everything! Likewise we have a lot of learning to do. I'm enjoying it! :)

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