Mika has taken to pulling washing off the line!
So as we do with most major problems in life, I googled it and found forums suggesting water ballooning the clothesline.
The first water bomb scared the crap out of her lol. (I shouldn't laugh but it was hysterical watching her receive a snout shower. The expression on her face was priceless :P) She barked at the others and nudged them with her nose, then she'd sit there and watch them for hours with suspicion! Unfortunately (for me) she was too smart to have a go at another one :-/
Sigh, I just hope she grows out of this madness :P Soon!
Dobermann Vs Clothesline
Mika has a lump! :(
We were rubbing Mika's belly (she'll do anything for a belly rub!) when we found a lump just near where her desexing scar is :(((
My first reaction of course, was to panic! Then I calmed down enough to google it and read about lipomas which are benign lumps found mostly on older dogs, although it's not uncommon for younger dogs to get them too.
I knew my heart would not rest until we got it checked out, so we made an appointment to see our Vet and hoped for the best in the meantime.
When we finally went to the vet, we were relieved to hear that it was most likely a lump caused by fatty tissue forming around the knot of her desexing scar. I was under the impression that they used those self-healing/melting stitches internally for dogs. According to our vet, there were two knots, one on the internal layer and one on the external layer of skin which we had to get removed once Mika's desexing scar had healed sufficiently.
The advice we got was to watch and wait. If it grows or changes in any way, come back. If you've found a lump on your dog, please get it checked out by a vet!
Destruction Derby
At the ripe old age of 10 months, Mika has destroyed and/or damaged an impressive array of items:
1. Pet matresses x 8 (including handmade personalised mattress with name appliqued on).
2. Soft toys:
-Percy: toy puppy she used to cuddle to sleep with died of severe head injuries.
-Sebastian: toy pup lost his eyes and sustained severe head injuries.
-Pingu: toy penguin. Got the stuffing eaten out of him.
-puppy toy with heartbeat (heartbeat mechanism removed before ripping the toy to shreds).
-plush colourful ball
-plush colourful geometric toy
-Houdini: gift from friends also got his internal organs rearranged.
3. Shoes:
-Mum's new leather shoes,
-Completely destroyed the top of dad's steel toe caterpillar boots. Permanent indentation on steel toe section of one large canine.
-Dad's Nike airs
4. Rubber door stoppers x 2.5
5. Tennis balls x 2
6. Towels x 2
7. Blankets & bed linen x 8
8. Old feather pillow donated for her kennel was used to decorate the lawn.
9. Various sports balls that unfortunately fell over the fence from kids next door.
10. Nylon dog leads x 3
11. Bathroom mats x2
12. Outdoor toys (all doggy chew toys):
- red rubber motorcycle (just like dads) x 2
- mini soccer balls x 2
- sausages on rope x 2
- tennis balls on rope x 2
- tug rope with tennis ball
13. Dad's motorbike goggles reduced to bits of foam and plastic.
14. Expensive and sentimental Akubra hat from Nigel's mum - inner lining ripped out
15. Toy water pistol
16. Cardboard packaging x 3
17. Numerous rubber bands and misc. plastic bits (don't ask how we found these)
18. Dining chairs "imprinted" with new patterns.
19. Back door permanently scarred with deep gouges.
20. Outdoor kennel wood "decorated" with new patterns strangely resembling teeth marks!
21. Outdoor dog hammock chewed so the mattressy bit has fringes. (Update: This hammock was completely chewed through from end to end, but she still likes to lie in the torn bits.../boggle)
22. Several "Haha Gotcha!" holes dug around the clothesline.
23. Panel of common fence between us and neighbour completely removed.
24. Numerous advertising catalogues and junk mail material ripped to shreds.
25. Dog food packs and treat bags x 6
26. Dad's wet jujitsu gi (when it's wet it's quite heavy, so she must have put some effort into this one) dragged off the line and "re-scented" with au de mud.
27. Numerous laundry pegs of mutated appearance have appeared on the grass strategically placed under the clothes line.
28. Lawn clippings dragged around to "redecorate".
29. Zipper tab from mum's varsity hoodie removed after also being "re-scented" with au de mud.
30. Scratch marks on our buttery soft, very comfortable and very expensive leather sofa :-/
31. Plastic registration holder on dad's motorbike x 3 destroyed.
32. Registration label removed from above mentioned plastic holders and destroyed x2. (Yes dad really had to say "my dog ate my registration label").
33. Yellow rubber frisbee which also worked as an aqua toy chewed through.
34. Outdoor broom had a plastic cap on the top which was found disfigured and abandoned in the garden. The broom itself had been dragged to Mika's favourite spot :P
35. Mika is now tall enough to pull clothes off the highest setting of our wind-up clothes line. Among the items of clothing she has gotten to:
- Mum's pantyhose.
- Numerous socks.
- An assortment of underwear.
- Sheets and Blankets